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  • Cruz-Aponte, M. & Caraballo-Cueto, J. (2021). Balancing Fiscal and Mortality Impact of SARS-CoV-2 Mitigation Measurements, Letters in Biomathematics 8 (1), 255–266.
  • Dabić, M., Obradović, T., Vlačić, B., Sahasranamam, S., & Paul, J. (2022). Frugal innovations: A multidisciplinary review & agenda for future research. Journal of Business Research, 914-929.
  • Díaz-Cotto, G., Huamán-Crespo, N. (EGAE-UPRRP) & Castro-Gonzáles, S. (University of Puerto Rico- Rio Piedras Campus). “Estudio comparativo de la Competitividad Internacional de Puerto Rico, República Dominicana y Haití en tiempos del Covid-19, Fórum Empresarial. Submitted in September 2021. Pre-accepted in February 2022. 3rd revisión en proceso (mayo). https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/forumempresarial/index
  • Husain, R., Paul, J., & Koles, B. (2022). The role of brand experience, brand resonance, and brand trust in luxury consumption. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 66, 102895.
  • Jain, G., Shrivastava, A., Paul, J., & Batra, R. (2022). Blockchain for SME Clusters: An ideation using the framework of Ostrom Commons Governance. Information Systems Frontiers: a journal of research and innovation.
  • Kaur, B., Paul, J. & Sharma, R.R. (2022), “The virality of advertising content”, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/JRIM-10-2021-0268
  • López Paláu, S. & Rivera-Cruz, B. (2021) Sustentabilidad y prácticas institucionales en los hábitos sostenibles de estudiantes Universitarios de Puerto Rico. Revista de Fomento Social. 76/3. https://revistadefomentosocial.es/rfs/article/view/5169/3585
  • Mansoor, M., & Paul, J. (2022). Mass prestige, brand happiness, and brand evangelism among consumers. Journal of Business Research, 144(C), 484-496.
  • Mansoor, M., & Paul, J. (2022). Impact of energy efficiency-based ICT adoptions on prosumers and consumers. Journal of Cleaner Production, 331, 130008.
  • Mansoor, M., & Paul, J. (2022). Consumers’ choice behavior: An interactive effect of expected eudaimonic well‐being and green altruism. Business Strategy and the Environment, 31(1), 94-109.
  • Meza, N. & Rodríguez, J. (2021). UN Global Compact and firm life cycle: an exploratory analysis, Forum Empresarial, 25(2), 27-42.
  • Nieves-Ayala, L., Crespo-González, L.J., Marrero-Rivera, P.E., Rodríguez-Casillas, K., Pérez-Vargas, J., García-Elías, A., Santamaría-Encarnación, G. & Quiñones-Eliza, J.K. (2021). hacia una Política de Acceso Abierto en las Bibliotecas de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras: De una idea a la acción proactiva. Caribbean Library Journal, 6, 102-125.publicado
  • Nieves-González, A., Rodríguez, J. & Vega Vilca, J. (2022), Wavelet power spectrum analysis of ETF’s tracking error, Journal of Risk Finance, 23(2), pp. 121-138.
  • Nieves-González, A., Rodríguez, J., & Vega Vilca, J. (2022). Wavelet Power Spectrum Analysis of ETF’s Tracking Error. The Journal of Risk Finance, 23 (2), 2022, doi: https://doi.org/10.1108/JRF-04-2021-0058. [Status: Published] [Acceptance Date: 2021] [Basic or Discovery Scholarship] [Journal Quality: B] [Weight: 1]
  • Orengo Serra, K.L., Ortiz Soto, M, Tapia Márquez, & Sénquiz-Díaz, C. Best and Worst Resilience Strategies Adopted by the Food and Beverage Supply Chain in the Aftermath of Hurricane Maria: The Case of Puerto Rico, Caribe: desafíos y perspectivas contemporáneos, chapter book. São Paolo, edições EACH, 2022. pp.175-197.   Doi: https://doi.org/10.11606/9786588503195
  • Orengo Serra, K.L., Ortiz Soto, M. & Senquiz-Díaz, C. (2022). Vulnerabilities Management of a Food Supply Chain through Innovation Strategies to Cope with Natural Disasters. Business Forum. Forthcoming May 2022.
  • Orengo Serra, K.L. & Sanchez-Jauregui, M. (2022), Food supply chain resilience model for critical infrastructure collapses due to natural disasters. British Food Journal, 124 (13), 14-34. https://doi.org/10.1108/BFJ-11-2020-1066
  • Orengo Serra, K.L. & Sánchez-Jauregui, M. (2021). Building a Food Supply Chain Resilient Interconnected Model When Critical Infrastructure Collapses: A Case Study of Highly Vulnerable Remote Rural Municipality in Puerto Rico. Report granted by Resilience and Business Innovation Program, December 29, 2021. 45p.
  • Paul, J., & Barari, M. (2022). Meta‐analysis and traditional systematic literature reviews—What, why, when, where, and how? Psychology & Marketing.
  • Pérez, M., & Hernández, N. (2022). Adaptive Leadership as a Method to Overcome Organizational Crisis: A Puerto Rican Study. Fórum Volumen 26, Número 2.
  • Ríos-Pérez, E. (Universidad Pedro Albizu), Castro-Gonzáles, Segundo (University of Puerto Rico- Rio Piedras Campus) & Picón-García, N. (UAGM). “Benefits of spirituality in the workplace: the retail industry evidence”, ESIC Market – Economics and Business Journal. Submitted in May 2021. Accepted January 2022. In press. https://revistasinvestigacion.esic.edu/esicmarket/index.php/esicm/index
  • Rodríguez, J., Irizarry-Quintero, A., & Villafañe, C. Cultural communication differences in initial public offering documentation: the case of China.   Journal of Economics, Finance, and Administrative Science.   Conditionally accepted for publication.
  • Rodríguez-Torres, E., González-Pérez, M., Díaz-Pérez, C. (2021). Barriers and facilitators to the participation of subjects in clinical trials: An overview of reviews. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 23., doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conctc.2021.100829. [Status: Published] [Basic or Discovery Scholarship] [Journal Quality: SCImago Q2] [Weight: 1]
  • Rowley, C., & Paul, J. (Eds.). (2022). Trends in Asia Pacific Business and Management Research: Relevance and Use of Literature Reviews. Routledge.
  • Ruiz-Torres, A.J., Paletta, G., & Adenso-Diaz, B. (2022), ‘Hybrid two-stage flowshop scheduling with secondary resources based on time buckets’, International Journal of Production Research, 60(2), 1954-1972.
  • Sadiq, M., Adil, M., & Paul, J. (2022). Eco-friendly hotels stay and environmental attitude: A value-attitude-behavior perspective. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 100, 103094.
  • Santini, G., Figueroa, E., Silva, N., Cabán, E. & Orengo Serra, K.L. (2022). Competencias de Emprendimiento para la Educación. Report of the Entrepreneurship Education K-12 Committee, Program Empowering entrepreneurs to restore growth, Echar P´lante, Banco Popular de Puerto Rico. March 1st, 2022.
  • Should the Board of Directors Shut the Mouth of its CEO? Board of Directors vs Goya Foods CEO Robert Unanue. Case-Reference no. 321-0349-1. Authors: Víctor Quiñones (Universidad de Puerto Rico); Cruz-Cruz, A. (Universidad de Puerto Rico); Feliciano-Cestero, M.M. (Universidad de Puerto Rico)
  • Thomas, N.M., Kashiramka, S., Yadav, S.S., & Paul, J. (2022). Role of emerging markets vis-à-vis frontier markets in improving portfolio diversification benefits. International Review of Economics and Finance, 95-121.
  • Upadhyay, Y., Paul, J., & Baber, R. (2022). Effect of online social media marketing efforts on customer response. Journal of Consumer Behavior.
  • Velázquez-Rosado, W., Villafañe-Cepeda, W., Vega-Vilca, J.C., & Nieves-González, A. (2021). Actitud hacia la matemática de estudiantes en el curso Métodos Cuantitativos para Administración de Empresas. Forum Empresarial, 26 (1), 67-98, doi: http:///doi.org/10.33801/fe.v26i1.19493. [Status: Published] [Teaching and Learning Scholarship] [Journal Quality: D] [Weight: 1]
  • Vélez, D., Pericchi, L., & Pérez, M. (2022). Increasing the replicability for linear models via adaptive significance levels. TEST., doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11749-022-00803-4. [Status: Published] [Acceptance Date: 2022] [Applied or Integrative/application Scholarship] [Journal Quality: SCImago Q1] [Weight: 1]



  • Almodovar-Rivera, I.A. Non-parametric clustering diagnostic for k-means clustering solutions en SIDIM (Seminario Interuniversitario de Investigación en Ciencias Matemáticas).
  • Almodovar-Rivera, I., Maitra, R. Kernel-estimated nonparametric overlap-based syncytial clustering. Journal of Machine Learning Research.
  • Aponte-García, M., Álvarez, C. Mapping International Trade and Supply Chains for Humanitarian and Business Resilience to Atmospheric and Pandemic Disasters. Method and Preliminary Findings for Puerto Rico. Journal of Applied Business and Economics
  • Aponte-García, M., Orengo-Serra, K. Building a Strategic Trade and Industrial Policy within the context of Colonial Exclusion and the Collapse of a Development Model. Latin American Perspective (Online)
  • Báez-Díaz, A., Rodríguez, J., Toledo, W. The dividend signaling hypothesis and the corporate life cycle. Managerial Finance.
  • Cardona, R., Z., Rezaee, W., Rivera-Ortiz, J., Vega-Vilca, J. Regulatory Enforcement of Accounting Ethics in Puerto Rico. Journal of Business Ethics.
  • Carrión-Tavárez, Á., & Gutiérrez-Ballivián, J. (2021). A dataset on the digital transformation of university courses during the COVID-19 pandemic, Harvard Dataverse, V1, UNF:6: Q0Kl2NUvGkWTOn0zcrZZ7A== [fileUNF]. Dortmund International Research Conference 2021 Proceedings, Dortmund, Alemania, mayo de 2021.
  • Castro-González, K. Cardona-Cardona, R., Ríos-Figueroa, C., Vega-Vilca, J. Challenges Related to Performance on the CPA Exam in Puerto Rico. Advances in Accounting Education.
  • Castro-Gonzáles, S. Ríos Pérez, E. Estrategia gerencial para lograr ventajas competitivas en las empresas comerciales: la espiritualidad en el ambiente del trabajo.
  • Echevarría-Marín, R. El Boeing 737 MAX 8: Apología y performatividad. Ceiba
  • Hernández-Díaz, A., Fernández-Morales, L., Vega Vilca, J., Córdova-Claudio, M. Factors Affecting Business Students’ Willingness to Study Abroad: Evidence from the Caribbean. Journal of Teaching in International Business.
  • Hernández-Díaz, A., Calderón-Abreu, T., Castro-González, S. Exploring the Sustainability of SMEs: The Puerto Rican Case. Environment, Development and Sustainability.
  • Lobato-Vico, M., Rodríguez, J., Romero, H. A volatility-match approach to measure performance: the case of socially responsible ETFs. The Journal of Risk Finance.
  • Lozada-Contreras, F., Orengo-Serra, K., Sánchez Jauregui, M. Adaptive customer relationship management contingency model under disruptive events. Journal of Advances in Management Research.
  • Meléndez-Ramos, G. Succession process and the impact for gender in Puerto Rican family businesses. Forum Empresarial.
  • Orengo-Serra, K., Sánchez-Jauregui, M. Food Supply Chain Resilience Model for Critical Infrastructure Collapses Due to Natural Disasters. British Food Journal.
  • Orengo-Serra, K., Sánchez-Jauregui, M. Coping with earthquakes and COVID-19: A customer relationship management perspective. Estudios Gerenciales – Journal of Management and Economics for Iberoamérica.
  • Rivera-Cruz, B.V. Model for Developing Sustainability Learning at Higher Education Institutions en Academy of Management- Broadening Entrepreneurial Diversity: Seeing Diverse People, Contexts and Missions.
  • Sánchez-Morcillo, R. A Research Plan to Determine the Agile Project Management Executives’ Perspective en 2020 Proceedings of the Conference on Information Systems Applied Research Virtual Conference.
  • Velázquez-Rosado, W., Villafañe-Cepeda, W., Vega-Vilca, J., Nieves-González, A. Actitud hacia la matemática de estudiantes en el curso Métodos Cuantitativos para Administración de Empresas. Forum Empresarial.



  • Aponte-García, M. (2020). Estados Unidos contra PDVSA de Venezuela y Huawei de China. El nuevo proteccionismo empresarial de las guerras petroleras y tecnológicas. En Silva Flores (Ed.), Construyendo alternativas ante la crisis de la integración regional en el contexto de disputas económicas y geopolíticas. Consejo Latinoamericano de las Ciencias Sociales (Clacso).
  • Aponte-García, M. (2020). Bolivia. Una potencia mundial en litio, el golpe de estado y la disputa por la supremacía tecnológica entre EE. UU.-China (en inglés). Journal of Applied Business and Economics,
  • Aponte-García, M., & Linares, R. (2019). Venezuela, PDVSA y el ALBA-TCP en la batalla geopolítica por el petróleo. Revista Política Latinoamericana, 8 (1-17).
  • Aponte-García, M. (2020). Aportes de la teoría de comercio internacional para la integración. Reflexiones desde América Latina y el Caribe. En T. Ojeda-Medina & M. Villarreal-Villamar (Coord.). Pensamiento Latinoamericano sobre Desarrollo. Editorial Los Libros de la Catarata.
  • Aponte, M., Álvarez, M., & Lobato, M. (2020). Entrepreneurial dynamics in Puerto Rico before and after Hurricane Maria. Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies, 32 (3).
  • Cadena-Cancino, A., & Aponte-García, M. (2020). Litio. Cadenas de valor, empresas, políticas de industrialización y golpe de estado en Bolivia. En R. Peralta-Mariñelarena, Bruckmann, T. Lajtman & Romano, S. Implicaciones geopolíticas del golpe de estado en Bolivia. Consejo Latinoamericano de las Ciencias Sociales (Clacso).
  • Charrón Vías, M., & Rivera-Cruz, B. (2019). Fostering innovation and entrepreneurial culture at the business school: A competency-based education framework. Industry and Higher Education. https://doi.org/10.1177/0950422219895209
  • Chavan, S., Gupta, P., & Paul, J. (2019). Social entrepreneurship. A review & research agenda. Journal of Bus Research.
  • Gilal, P., & Paul, J. (2019). Celebrity endorsement, brand passion, and purchase intentions. International Journal of Hospitality Management. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2019.102347
  • Lobato, M., Rodríguez, J., & Romero, H. (2020). Innovation and market liquidity: The case of ADRs, European Business Review, aceptado.
  • Oliviera, R. Sahasranamam, S., & Paul, J. (2019). Upgrading without formal integration in M&A: The role of social integration. Global Strategy Journal. https://doi.org/10.1002/gsj.1358
  • Paul, J., & Rosado-Serrano, A. (2019). Gradual internationalization vs bornglobal/international new venture models. International Marketing Review, 36(6), 830-858. https://doi.org/10.1108/IMR-10-2018-0280
  • Paul, J., Kumar, A., & Unnithan, A. (2019). Masstige marketing: A review & research agenda. Journal of Business Research. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.09.030
  • Rodríguez, J., & Romero, H. (2019). Exchange-traded funds as an international diversification tool for socially responsible investors. The Journal of Wealth Management, 22(3), 98-102.
  • Rodríguez, J. (2020). Do individual investors successfully time the market?, aceptado.
  • Simona Oliviera, R., & Paul, J. (2019). Does organizational structure facilitate open innovation in SMEs? Small Business Economics. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11187-019-00175-4
  • Singh, D., & Paul. J. (2019). Counterfeiting and luxury goods. Journal of Brand Management.
  • Singh, D., Dhaliwal, A., & Paul, J. (2019). The consumer behavior of luxury goods: A review & research agenda. Psychology & Marketing.
  • Sreejesh, S., & Paul, J. (2019). Effect of geographical indication labeling on product attitude and purchase likelihood. Journal of International Business Studies.


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